- Workflow process and specifics of each step in the change order workflow
- Influence of change orders on cost controlling
- Deactivating the change order workflow
How to create a change order workflow as an Alasco administrator and assign it to your project is explained in the article explaining how to create a change order workflow (Admin).
Workflow process
In the following sections, the individual steps of the change order workflow will be explained. A change order workflow in Alasco consists of three mandatory steps:
- Enter change order details
- Verify change order
- Approve change order
You have the option to add an optional second verification step and four additional approval steps.
For each change order that is reviewed and approved using a change order workflow, Alasco automatically generates a change order cover sheet. The cover sheet contains all relevant change order details and facilitates a comprehensive, efficient, and transparent change order review and approval process. The approval stamps configured are also added to the cover sheet.
Step 1: Enter change order details
How you create a new change order is explained in our Help Center article creating change orders. When you add a new change order to a project, which has a change order workflow assigned to it, the change order will be automatically reviewed through the change order workflow.
The following data must be entered in step 1:
- The corresponding contract (from the drop-down menu)
- Change order name
- Change order identifier
- Change order date
- Claimed change order amount (to be approved)
- The percentage by which the change order amount should be included in the real-case forecast, if you want to apply a weighting factor other than 100%
- Basis of claim (from the drop-down menu or as free text if you select “other")
- Initiator of or trigger for the change order (from the drop-down menu or as free text if you select “other"; e.g. client/owner, planner, etc.)
- Optionally, you can upload a change order document and attachments
Step 2: Verify change order
In this step, the assigned user should review all the data from Step 1 and make any necessary adjustments.
The following can be done in step 2:
- In this test step, you can annotate review and correction comments directly on the optionally uploaded PDF file by clicking on the pencil icon above the change order on the left side
- Click on the checkmark icon next to the pencil to mark individual items as reviewed, electronically sign the change order, and apply a pre-defined or custom stamp to the change order
Review the change order for plausibility
If necessary, correct the unverified amount if necessary and specify the reviewed amount
Decide whether the change order amount is to be deducted from any reserves
- Indicate the percentage by which the change order amount should be included in the real-case forecast, if you want to apply a weighting factor other than 100%
- Write an optional review comment
- Review the data entered in Step 1 and edit the change order's basis of claim and trigger if necessary
- With the button "Transfer task", you can transfer the task to another user
- From this step onwards, you can also use the “Send back" button to return the change order to the previous verification step by specifying a reason for the return
- Reject the change order directly with the "Decline" button or pass it on to the next step for further verification and approval with the "Audit & pass on" button
Step 3: Verify change order (optional)
This optional step is identical to the previous step 2. You can assign this step to another user. The assigned user can review all the data from Steps 1 and 2 and make any necessary adjustments.
Step 4: Approve change order
In the final step of the workflow, the final approval for the change order is determined. The data from previous steps can be viewed but not edited.
The following review and potential correction of data are required in Step 4:
- In this review step, you can annotate review and correction comments directly on the optionally uploaded PDF file by clicking on the pencil icon above the change order on the left side
- Click on the checkmark icon next to the pencil to mark individual items as reviewed, electronically sign the change order, and apply a predefined or custom stamp to the change order
- Perform a final review of the change order and correct the already reviewed amount if necessary
- Decide whether the final change order amount should be deducted from the reserves
- Write an optional approval comment
- Check the data entered in the previous steps and, if necessary, edit the change order basis of claim and trigger
- With the button "Transfer task", you can transfer the task to another user
- Use the "Send back" button to return the change order to the previous verification step by specifying a reason for the return
- Reject the change order directly with the "Decline" button or use the "Approve" button to approve the change order
Steps 5-8: Approve change order (optional)
These optional steps are identical to step 4. You can assign these steps to additional users. The assigned users can review all the data from the previous steps and make any necessary adjustments.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are change orders incorporated into cost controlling?
Change orders in Alasco can have one of four statuses depending on their progress in the change order review:
- Open: The change order has been entered into the system but has not been further processed. The change order is included in the "Open Change Orders" in the cost monitoring with the "Change Order Amount." This corresponds to Step 1 in the change order workflow.
- Details entered: The change order has been recorded, and a "Verified Change Order Amount" has been entered. The change order amount is included in the "Open Change Orders" in the cost monitoring with the amount of the "Verified Change Order Amount." This corresponds to Step 2 in the change order workflow.
- Acknowledged: The change order has been marked as "Acknowledged". The "approved change order amount" is included in the "Approved Change Orders" in the cost monitoring. This corresponds to the final approval step in the change order workflow, typically Step 4.
- Declined: The change order has been marked as "Declined" and is no longer considered in cost monitoring.
What happens if the workflow needs to be deactivated?
If you decide not to use the change order workflow anymore, you can deactivate it without any concerns. To do this, simply remove the workflow by using the "X" option from the "Change Order Workflow" drop-down in the project settings of the respective project.
All change orders that are in a workflow at the time of deactivation must be completed within that workflow. Any change orders created after that can be processed using the standard form.