- Creating a new project
- Specifying the advanced settings
- Copying contract units from an existing project to a new project
In Alasco, a project represents the framework in which you collect, edit and analyse the data relating to your construction projects, such as budgets, contract units, contracts and invoices. On the project dashboard, you can see your project's critical data and outstanding tasks at a glance. In the cost controlling table, all the data comes together and can be analysed using different table views. You can also use the multi-project view to compare and analyse several projects.
Required information
To create a new project, you need three pieces of information. It is an advantage to create these in the master data before the project creation, but they can also be created during:
- A property
- A contracting entity
- A workflow defining the approval process of your invoices
The default contracting entity of a project is automatically selected by the system when a new contract is created within the project.
Create a new project
To create a project in Alasco, go to the Master Data, then go to the menu item "Projects", then click on the "+ Add" button at the top right of the screen.
A window will pop up in which you can enter all relevant project information. The following information is mandatory:
- Project name
- Property
- Default contracting entity
- Default invoice workflow
- Budget distribution type
Under "Budget distribution type", you can decide whether you want to first assign the budget to cost elements and then distribute the budget to contract units (cost elements) or if you want to skip the cost elements and define the budget directly when creating a new contract unit (contract units).
If you select the "Cost elements" option, you must select one of the cost element structures already in the account from the drop-down menu.
Please note that you cannot change the budget distribution type once the project has been created. Therefore, you should decide whether to use the cost elements structure or a budget based on contract units.
You can also provide the following optional information:
- Default change order workflow
- Default invoice cover sheet template
You can enter further optional information about your project under "Advanced settings":
- Default tax rate
- Project identifier for unique identification and via which the project can also be found in the drop-down menu on the dashboard
- If the default view should be displayed in net or gross for the cash flow, cost controlling, budget structure and budget distribution
- If the contract unit structure should be imported from an existing project
- Project e-mail address and responsible user (only possible via support)
- If it is an apportionment project, with overhead costs to be allocated across multiple projects
- Bank details for SEPA export
- Client and tax consultant number hint for the transfer of invoices to the German tax software, DATEV
When creating a new project, you can transfer the contract unit structure from an existing project. Select the corresponding existing project from the drop-down menu under "Import contract units from", and contract units are created in the new project with the same Name, Description and Type.
To use the automatic invoice upload via e-mail, reach out to our support team or your designated Alasco contact, as the project e-mail address and the person responsible for assigning the e-mail uploaded invoices can only be set by Alasco employees.
The IBAN and BIC of the bank account from which most invoices are paid can also be stored here. This information is required for the SEPA export.
For a smooth transfer of invoices to DATEV Unternehmen online, you can enter the client and tax consultant number assigned by DATEV. Alasco then uses the numbers entered to automatically suggest the appropriate DATEV client during the invoice transfer.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your designated Alasco contact or submit a support request.
To create the project, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the window.