

  • Dashboard functionality and configuration
  • Finance controlling and cash outflow
  • Tasks in progress list


Multi-project view

The dashboard in Alasco helps you to get a quick and clear overview of the current projects' statuses as well as your upcoming tasks.

As soon as you log in to Alasco, you start directly in the dashboard. If you have access to several projects, you will first see an overview of all projects in your Alasco account in the multi-project view.

On the multi-project view dashboard, you will see the aggregated finance controlling and the aggregated cash outflow for all your projects by default.



Display of tasks in progress & project groups

With the "Configure dashboard" button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, you can also display the "Tasks in progress" section. Here you can see all invoices and amendments that are currently being processed in your Alasco account.
Below this, you can see your projects as individual tiles with relevant information regarding contract and approved payment statuses.

In addition to displaying all projects in the multi-project view, you also have the option of displaying only those projects within a project group. To do this, select the corresponding project group in the drop-down menu to the left of the "Configure Dashboard" button.
Not only do the project tiles adapt accordingly, but also the aggregated finance controlling, the aggregated cash outflow, and the tasks in progress sections show only the data of the projects within the selected project group. This provides you with a quick overview of the entire project group.


Finance Controlling & Cash Outflow

In the finance controlling and the cash outflow graphs, you can display the gross or net amounts at any time. To switch between the two, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the respective graph.


For an up-to-date and clear comparison of the most important project figures, you can display some or all of the following values in the aggregated finance controlling:

  • Initial budget (the initial budget set for planned awards)
  • Current budget (the budget after changes, such as increases, decreases and transfers)
  • Contracts level (sum of main orders and amendments, excluding planned orders)
  • Payment state (sum of approved invoices and invoices marked as paid)
  • Project cost forecast (real case and difference to worst-case forecast: as long as the real case forecast is below budget, the bar is green; if the real case forecast exceeds the budget, the bar is red)
  • If applicable, revenues (sum of all sales prices/planned revenues - depending on the status - of all sales units)
  • If applicable, profit (revenues minus the real-case project forecast)


Project view

You can access the project-specific dashboard by selecting a specific project under the Alasco logo on the upper left corner of the screen.


In the project-related dashboard, you have a more detailed overview of the current key financial figures as well as the project's cash outflow forecast and upcoming tasks.

Users with the account role "Restricted user" or the project role "Internal employee", "External employee" and "External employee (workflows only)" do not have access to the cash outflow and finance controlling graphs in the dashboard. The dashboard provides these users only an overview of their current tasks.


You can learn more about the distribution of rights and roles in Alasco and how to create and edit the cash outflow forecasting in the advanced articles in our Help Center.


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